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April: Toil & Trouble Witch

March: Santa's "Good Tidings"

February: BOO! Lantern

January: JOY! Lantern



Holiday ♥ Magic!

Part Number: CLUB2025
Price: $200.00
Status: Available

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~~ 2025 CLUB   |   "Holiday Magic!"  ~~
Copyright 2024-25 ~~  Jamie Mills-Price
Jamie's newest CLUB, will be dedicated to your two favorite holidays: Christmas ~AND~ Halloween!Geared toward the intermediate painter, you choose the level of detail you prefer!
12 Ornament Designs   |  12 Zoom Classes

   $200 USD |  (US Mail-Out Membership)  
(After Jan. 10th it will return to the regular price of $200USD)

$100 USD | (Digital Delivery Only) | Special discount will not be applicable
with a digital membership.
  (CLICK HERE TO ACCESS the Digital Delivery option)


Holiday Magic ~~ Club Details
~~ 12 Packets: Mailed 6x a year, (shipping via Ground Advantage is included). We will mail out the two pattern packets with ornaments (using the same/similar concept - shape - but different holiday design!). One for Christmas + one for Halloween in each mail-out.  So, every other month, two pattern packets will arrive, containing the ornaments for both the Christmas and the Halloween design and basic packets including color, line drawings and instructions. A special pin will be designed for the club, and will mail out in the September mailing. If a person doesn't want to paint the design for Halloween, Jamie will have an alternate Fall option for the Halloween shape.
--> Make sure that your mailing address is correct on your account; we will need that for the mail-out membership.

~~ eBook/PDF File: Everyone will get an X-large PDF file, which will include worksheets, enlargements, instructions and line drawings. These will be downloaded from a private Between the Vines Dropbox location, as they are too large to send via email.

~~ ZOOM Classes: Something different! This year, we will have a monthly class, lasting approx. 3-4 hours.
- One month we will paint the Christmas ornament, the next month we will paint the Halloween ornament.
- These classes will be recorded for viewing at your leisure! The dates/times of the actual ZOOM class will be polled initially in our FACEBOOK group, for the best date (at this time I might like to try a Tuesday, like the 4th Tuesday of the month). BUT, that is not set in stone, we will poll you in the FB group, in January.

~~ Recorded Videos: Lifetime access to all of the recorded videos that we have created for the club, you can scroll through each design's video at your leisure. These will be available for a lifetime, or unless something unexpected happens! (Available on our private Showcase on Vimeo.)

~~ Surface Extras* (US): All of the extras we design for this collection (like standers/sitters/pins, etc.) will be available to purchase if you so choose! *Plus if you join the Mailed-out Version between Jan.1st - 10th, you can get -20% off on the surfaces through the year.

~~ Outside the US:  Supplier of the Collection pieces for Europe will be through @Alessio Meggiato of ; and Harry Brouwer in Australia/NZ. 

~~ Member’s Only File Page: A private Clubhouse Page on the Between the Vines website, where you can access any/all private files, links and perks to your membership.

~~ Private FACEBOOK Page: (Coming soon!) Search for it in Facebook Groups, answer the membership question, and we will admit you when we are online next.
{}{}{} ~ Premiere Members : January 1 - 1oth~ {}{}{}
Members who join January 1st - 10th, (or as a Christmas gift certificate), will get the Club at the reduced price ($175) and a special discount on extra surfaces: - 20%After the 10th of January, option to receive the discounts will go away, and the price will return to normal.
Cottage & Cuties (mailed) Membership, check out our email dated: Dec 16th, it has a special code for you!

{}{}{}  ~ Terms {}{}{}
Enrollment in the club is non-refundable, nor transferable. All sales final. All designs will remain exclusive for one year from the month they were launched in (approx).  No other sales, promotions, or coupon codes can be combined/used with this offering. Gift certificates may be applicable toward purchase.
Materials may be used (solely) by the enrolled student. No sharing or teaching of these designs or videos (no outside sharing with groups or chapters). When we put this forward for retail, after the Club ends, then permission will be granted to teach.
No Facebook Watch parties are allowed, nor sharing this with others that are not in our Club; so that we retain. exclusivity. Thank you!
Membership is for one year from January 2025 through December 2o25. If you join in the middle of the year, you will get all of the ornaments that were published prior.

xo, Jamie & Don
--> The special discount is not applicable for those with a DIGITAL Memberships.
--> The 20% discount will be active upon our first EXTRAS published (private) page for the Club, for mail-out membership. 
Lastly, PLEASE make sure you use the code when ordering to get your discount...Don says otherwise, it's no go.

"Mail-Out Membership" pertains to customers receiving the mailed version.

Please Note: Your club discount is not valid for Services: Classes, Clubs, Memberships, Gift Certificates. Cannot be combined with any other promotion.

We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.
Premiere Members 2024: Only one coupon is valid to use on the 2025 Club, it is in our Cottages & Cuties emails.

Copyright 2024-2025  |  Jamie Mills-Price  |  Between the Vines Designs