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♥ ePackets {DIGITAL}
*NOTICE: Your digital download links are located at the bottom of your order confirmation email.
Digital Downloads!  Just download and save them to your computer! (as PDF files) Print out only what you the rest to refer to, as you paint. On your iPad, save PDF file to your eBooks so you can access them anytime - zoom in on certain areas; have them under your nose.  *All rights reserved. Thank you for respecting the artist's copyright.  Painters may hand paint Jamie's designs for personal use or to paint to sell (boutiques/craft shows/Etsy) with credit given to Jamie Mills-Price, designer, when displayed on the internet. *ePackets may be saved to your computer, printed, either in home or at a retail establishment (Staples, Office Max, etc.) or stored on a zip drive for your personal use, but they cannot be shared, distributed nor sold in digital or print format.*PLEASE NOTE ALL PRODUCTS are NON-REFUNDABLE; nor are results guaranteed.
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This subcategory contains 87 products and 0 subcategories.
A variety of seasonal ePackets for your enjoyment!
This subcategory contains 26 products and 0 subcategories.
These designs are from the original Halloween Club...
This subcategory contains 33 products and 0 subcategories.
These designs are from the original Ornament Club...
PINS/Tags (Digital)
This subcategory contains 23 products and 0 subcategories.
Small designs perfect for pins, magnets, cards, keychains...
FREEBIES! {click on images to launch PDF files}
This subcategory contains 9 products and 0 subcategories.
SIMPLY CLICK on the image to launch the PDF file (no need to add it to cart!)
Print out or save to your PC. Please respect copyright, thank you!