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Seasons in Time 2

Part Number: #SIT-02
Price: $12.95
Status: Available
Weight: 0 lb, 7 oz
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NEW BOOK: Seasons in Time 2 ~ from Jamie Mills-Price!

Paint the 4 seasons in this second volume in the Seasons in Time series!
Jamie has created 4 heartwarming designs on a specialty surface ~ a classic arch panel is the main panel which inserts into a 2-layer base, with a nostalgic white picket fence insert as a backdrop; each season has a colorful seasonal word that inserts into the base (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter).
*Each design is also featured on an alternate surface (look for all the surfaces on Valhalla's website later this month). Valhalla will also be making the main characters of the designs into stand alone cut-outs, look for those later in the year too. All of the surfaces are cut with the laser, with precision, to create unique surfaces for your painting pleasure.


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